Randy Speaks

Invite Randy to your business, civic, or educational events for abundantly entertaining and highly insightful presentations on the priceless nature of living a fully conscious life.  Randy is an “interactive speaker,” generating group enthusiasm by regularly inviting participation from fully engaged and delighted audience members. 
Give your group the unique opportunity to hear about the benefits of living a full life of personal authenticity and awareness from a Certified Holistic Life Coach, Master Trainer and Spiritual Shift Agent.
Randy effortlessly melds his extensive healthcare management background with finely honed life coaching skills to convey thought provoking topics of deep personal interest to his audiences.  With expert skill, wicked humor, and a profound insight born from walking the un-crowded path, he attacks our society’s general penchant for UN-conscious living with sheer abandon. 
Randy’s presentations are a clarion call for the restoration of personal attention and mindfulness, and are designed to rescue awakening sleepers from the brink of a numb oblivion.  This awakening process enables Conscious Seekers to explore an authentic life of rich meaning, unencumbered by the classic anchors of limiting thought patterns, un-processed emotions, “shoulds,” and the incessant demands of Ego.

